Charity is not only to give money to poor or needy ones, charity is to give something to people which they need. Charity means generosity towards the poor and needy people from bottom of your heart. The person who give charity he/she has a big heart. Everyone in this world want the peace of mind so the best way to achieve it is to give something in charity to needy ones. Blood donation, providing of food, water, clothes to the poor people especially during festivals time these all comes in charity even if you think good for others so that is also charity for you. Charity make you pure at heart, arrogance and selfishness overcome from our character due to charity and one day we become  a great person in life.

You can start charity from your neighbors first by giving that things which they need. You can give money to them or you can give such things which will be beneficial for them in future for example give books to the children of your neighbor this will always be beneficial for them. Like this you start charity from your neighbors, relative, friends and then extend your hands towards the society where thousands of people await for your sympathy. The moment you give charity that has brought smile to someone's face and happiness in heart is the moment which you should feel and then you realize the peace of mind which you truly desire from bottom of your heart. Keep as much money with  you as you need and spend the remaining money on your family or give it in charity.
Due to charity your money will never decrease but it will increase. Let me tell you an example, imagine that you have an electronics shop, most of the poor people don't have electronic items  in their houses if you give money to them as charity to poor people then they definitely desire to purchase electronic items and they will come to your shop for shopping like this your money will come back to you. Every parents should teach their children to give charity since their childhood if they get the habit of charity so they will consider as respected person in the society. In some religion the importance of charity has taught. In Islam charity forms the fourth obligatory in the five pillars of Islam. Charity is the way and mean to please Allah (swt). It cools the wrath of Allah  (swt) and pleases Him.

One day Abdullah bin mubarak entered in the city of koofa. He was on his way to pilgrimage  (Haj). There he happened to see a woman who was pinching the feathers of dead duck. He asked her if the duck was dead or sacrifice  in the name of Allah  (swt). The woman replied, "Its dead". Abdullah said, then it is forbidden ". The woman told him angrily "Go away from here, I have several children. They are hungry since several days and I didn't find anything to feed them except this dead duck". 
       Abdullah bin mubarak return and fetched all his  food, clothes and money and gave everything to the woman and said this all is yours. He returned home without perform Haj. In the night he dreamt that  someone was saying "Oh slave of Allah  (swt)! Indeed Allah  (swt) has accepted your charity and he had sent an angel to perform haj in your place and commanded the angel that to perform Haj every year on behalf of you till the the day of judgment.
Abdullah bin mubarak acquired this precious gift from Allah  (swt) due to charity.
So you also give charity and become the respected person in the eyes of Allah (swt) and come into the mercy of Allah  (swt).



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